Friday, March 14, 2008 2008 - a user's guide

So, at least someone has noticed the new design. I thought I'd do a quick post to explain some of the intracies of the new layout, there may be a couple of tricks worth stealing...

First things first, the 'crap all over the floor' background image - I've had that idea stuck in my head for some time but had difficulty getting a decent image using the constraints of only ever using a camera phone. Although it would be nice to say the image is one which carefully describes the complexity of my moods I think what it is really showing is a sad indictment that my life can be reduced to the contents of a hard drive, an ipod and a couple of game controllers. Then again, it could just be a pleasant background image...

I've kept the flickr badges as I think they are quite a nice touch, if you are into your HTML and CSS I've added a very subtle filter/opacity effect to tone down the brightness along with the worlds most subtle drop down shadow effect. The drop down around the main blog is a complete cheat by the way, have a look at the background image if you are interested in this sort of thing.

As for navigation, well as you may have noticed there isn't one! Let's be honest, I don't update this site enough for it to merit one, plus according to the stats most people just drop in to read the front page. If for some reason you do need to find an old post there is a fairly unusable search box for you to play with in the top right corner.

I've kept a few links to other parts of the internet where I maintain a presence, I think most people are net savvy enough to recognise the icons (incidently, for the web developers out there, I've tried using the CSS opacity effect to produce a sort of mouse over effect - and yes, I know - it doesn't work in Internet Explorer). If you are someone who is frustrated by the lack of updates on this site you may want to keep an eye on my youtube and pages.

OK, I think that's enough for now. Next on the agenda: either pornographic comic books or more reason why my taste in music rules!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Seems like there is something different at

Friday, March 7, 2008

Amsterdam, sans tulips

I've finally got round to uploading my pictures of last weekend's jaunt to Amsterdam, don't worry all pictures of 'herbal' cigarettes have been removed (although there does seem to be a few damaged rizla packets hanging around) so everyone should be able to keep their jobs.

Here is the link to the flickr set.