Saturday, June 21, 2008

Best message from an on-line store - evah!

We shall now embark upon our ceremonial shipping ritual to ensure that you receive your product in a timely fashion! Indeed, we feel we have to warn you that upon receiving your order, you may be moved to tears by the sheer joy of it all.

From this site incidently

Friday, June 20, 2008

Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust

To show our gratitude to you for your support in ordering the Deluxe
Edition we want you to become a part of it. We are going to credit you and
all the people who have purchased the Deluxe Edition so far by listing your
name in the book. That way you will become part of this unique document.

- Sigur Rós

What can I say, thank you for mention... and thank you for the album so far

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Next Phone

I've done a post like this before, and I'm man enough to admit I was wrong about that phone, but this time I think I'm on to something.

Ladies & Gentlemen, my next phone:

There is something vaguely sinister about it, which I thoroughly approve of! Proper details over here if you are interested in this sort of thing.