Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I went to the Doctor's for the first time in over ten years today, can't say I'm particularly convinced that I've been given any sound medical advice.

Bit of a back story - which will sound really pathetic. For the last couple of months I've been waking up really early (or if I'm super lucky about 4am /sarcasm) with really bad pains in my right foot. Well it's been getting on my nerves, and I'm pretty sure people around me are getting sick of me mentioning it all the time so I finally decided to go and see a professional about it.

And what advice do I get? I have to drink loads of tonic water apparently. I couldn't help think of some con man from the wild west selling his bottles of tonic water to 'hapless towns-folk' when this was mentioned to me, but apparently there is something called quinine in tonic water which is used to treat leg cramps so maybe he's right... I'm not convinced.

If it doesn't work I'm going to move onto Voodoo.

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