Monday, May 29, 2006

It's from a game called Dragon Quest, and no I have no idea what this scene is all about...

I was meant to go and see The Boredoms tonight, but through a combination of me being late and good old engineering works on the tube making it almost impossible to get to Shepherds Bush in a reasonable amount of time I didn't make it. This doesn't bode well for the week ahead...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Bracing myself for the week ahead...

Here are a few pictures from the weekend, John's got some much better ones on his site over here.

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's Friday, and since I'm not drunk at some sort of sporting event I'm going to continue my effort to make Friday more musical...

Today I have a track from the new EP by Jesu. This really should be listened to.

However if you want something a bit more poppy I've just stumbled across a new band called ¡Forward, Russia! (although all the hip indie kids probably knew about them months ago, I've been listening to too much experimental metal recently), there new album Give Me a Wall is really very good indeed. Think Bloc Party but with balls.

Jesu - Silver
Just brilliant, the only problem I have is the disc makes me want more. Here's the title track, if you don't like it you are just plain wrong... Really, really wrong.

MP3: Silver

Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's been a busy couple of days, I was at the cricket on Friday (which gives me a great excuse to show off the panoramic mode on my phone camera)

Then, after that went to see the Dresden Dolls at the astoria. Pretty good gig, even though I was probably a bit too pissed by then to properly enjoy it, and I got into an argument with some angry lesbians which was totally not my fault - although I had been drinking for about 10 hours before so I could be wrong there... Hmmm.

Anyway, if you are curious about what they sound like here's a clip of them doing a cover of War Pigs, don't worry it's not more black metal.

Saturday involved more drinking whilst watching some entertaining football speaking from a neutrals point of view, and today - well, my body just gave up on me and I've been sleeping pretty much all day... except for now... unless I've figured out how to blog in my sleep.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bit of black metal to start the day...

(Very funny post from Said the Gramophone, deserved to be promoted from my links - the cover version of Losing my Religion is one of the most horrific things I've heard for quite some time, made me laugh though)

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Easily the most impressive 40ft wooden puppet elephant I've seen wandering around London...

I'm sure you've heard all about it, however if not here is the Sultans Elephants' homepage, here's the coverage from the BBC, and here are some of my crappy camera phone pictures.

I was well impressed - even if I had only gone into town for a bit of much need retail therapy - this sort of thing needs to happen much more often...

Friday, May 5, 2006

NASA have released this weird little video from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Titan. It shows a video of the decent of the Huygens probe along with various displays of flight data, the thing that piqued my interest is that some one has added sound samples to the video triggered by various data changes. Well, I found it interesting any way...

I think I'm going to make posting music on a Friday a regular occurrence (assuming I buy enough CDs - I doubt that will be a problem!). For today I have a bit of classic Stoner Rock from Sleep.

Finally, my Xbox360 has taken a further step towards autonomy by starting a blog. It also seems to be making threats towards me.
about as stoned as you can get...

Sleep - Jerusalem
I haven't exactly been hiding my love of bands like Sunn0))), Earth and Boris recently, I admire the way that each of them celebrates the art of the Riff in there own different ways. Another band to add to that list is Sleep, I've heard about this track called Jerusalem many many times - an hour long monster of a track, a hymn in praise of Black Sabbath and hashish, possibly the ultimate in Stoner Rock. And you know what, it's actually very good, you don't need to be stoned to enjoy it, but it is an absolute necessity to listen to it at an ear bleeding volume. We join our heroes in this sample just after the 40 minute mark...

MP3: Jerusalem (Part 5)

Thursday, May 4, 2006

I am that close to weeing with excitement! I've just seen a trailer to the new Star Wars Lego game (click here for pant wetting fun). And to make things even better George Lucas has finally given in and announced that the original, non-cgi-ed, Han-most-definitely-shoots-first Star Wars trilogy is going to be released on DVD.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006

It was a Bank Holiday this last weekend, I of course spent it wisely. Pretty much split any time not spent eating or sleeping by swearing at my foot or by putting in some quality videogame time.

My Playstation 2 seems to be getting a lot of love at the moment. Played Guitar Hero (most fun you can have with a 2ft plastic guitar - fact!) until my hand started to curl up into a weird leper-like claw, followed by a serious amount of Dragon Quest time - about 25 hours according to my save game, obviously not in one go! I'm not quite that bad.