Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's been a busy couple of days, I was at the cricket on Friday (which gives me a great excuse to show off the panoramic mode on my phone camera)

Then, after that went to see the Dresden Dolls at the astoria. Pretty good gig, even though I was probably a bit too pissed by then to properly enjoy it, and I got into an argument with some angry lesbians which was totally not my fault - although I had been drinking for about 10 hours before so I could be wrong there... Hmmm.

Anyway, if you are curious about what they sound like here's a clip of them doing a cover of War Pigs, don't worry it's not more black metal.

Saturday involved more drinking whilst watching some entertaining football speaking from a neutrals point of view, and today - well, my body just gave up on me and I've been sleeping pretty much all day... except for now... unless I've figured out how to blog in my sleep.

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