Saturday, September 29, 2007

And I'm spent...

It seems fitting that the game to push my gamerscore over the 10,000 mark was Halo 3.

Fantastic game, even though I've completed the single player campaign on heroic difficulty (I normally plump for normal difficulty on these sort of games as I'm a bit crap at first person shooters, but I got shamed into playing through on a harder level as heroic was described very firmly by the developers as the way Halo is meant to be played) I'm yet to try any of the multi player modes.

One mode I really liked was the theater mode. Every action you perform is recorded and you can go back and watch yourself play through the whole game if you like. Not only does it provide evidence about how much I suck, it also lets you take really pretty screen shots and upload them to the bungie website. Pictures like this:

Anyhoo, thats one game down - now I just have to somehow cope with the next couple of months. The videogame release schedule gets really silly during October & November, I've managed to get my wishlist down to 9 games during October & November - and by god that's making a few sacrifices (goodbye Eternal Sonata, farewell Skate I just can't see how I can fit you in). I'm such an addict aren't I?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Geek with game - a self portrait

Me, about to finish the fight.

I wasn't sad enough to attend any midnight release parties, but I am sad enough to take 3 days off work to spend some quality time with Master Chief.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My incredibly well thought out opinion of Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof

One word sums it up nicely: tosh.

There is one school of thought that sees Death Proof as a load of puerile sexist nonsense and then there is another school that sees the film as a tribute to a long forgotten era of cinema history.

Personally I just thought it was incredibly dull, the dialog didn't do a damn thing for me - I kept drifting off a bit, how the hell did that happen? It's a Tarantino film, it's meant to be full of snappy quotes for annoying students to memorize. And for a two hour film about a psychotic stunt driver how the hell do you only end up with two actions scenes?

Plus am I the only one who thinks this whole idea of Grindhouse cinema was just something Tarantino made up on the spot in some interview and the 'genre' never existed...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mystery Song

Just found this mp3 in my iTunes, I have no idea who it's by and that is really bugging me. The only info on the mp3 is it's track 2 and the filename is woodpecker.mp3 - anyone got any ideas?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Alien Invasion News

Why isn't this story about a so-called Meteor making people sick in Peru getting more attention? If that isn't the first sign of an alien invasion I don't know what is...

I for one welcome our new Alien Overlords - let the probing begin!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Booze News

My feeds in Google Reader seem to be informing me it is Friday, as there were quite a few interesting alcohol related posts today. As I'm lazy I'll regurgitate a few here with some witty commentary...

  • Did you know the world record for drinking a litre of beer is 1.3 seconds - it is in wikipedia so it must be a FACT! (note the explanation mark). There is your reason why I don't live in a world filled with flying cars, jet packs and robots, right there! As a species we have far more important things to do.

  • However we are making some serious technological advances in the world drinking. There is a new bar in London (which I will never be allowed in as it will be hideously expensive and I'm not one of the beautiful people) that has a touch sensitive bar to summon bar staff - I predict this will be switched off by pissed off bar staff within five minutes of the bar opening.

  • Drinking at work just got easier, here is the proof.

Finally here is a picture of a dog in a sock which has nothing to do with drinking, you may want to save this one for a particularly depressing Monday.

*EDIT* I've created a public view of my Google Reader feeds which shows a selection of sites here, for those people scared of RSS readers.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend Activities

  • Sleeping - I seem to be averaging about 5 hours a night during the week, so generally weekends involve some catching up. So Saturday was pretty much dedicated to sleep.

  • Watching Comedy, specifically Joe Rogan. He is the sort of drug fuelled American comedian I enjoy listening too, he practically had to be dragged off stage due to going spectacular over time, and he does a very unique impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  • Finishing off Bioshock on my XBox360 and feeling very smug with myself when I got the 'good' ending by making life difficult and not killing any of the 'Little Sisters'. It's a good game Bioshock, but not perfect. The art direction is fantastic, but at it's heart it's still just a shooter and not the greatest game of all time.

  • Spotting Chris Eubank driving his big shiny truck through central London:

...and yes I know, I'm posting this on a Wednesday and the weekend is long gone

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Feeling my age part 1

Blimey, Napalm Death's Scum is 20 years old - that doesn't half make me feel old. Let's remind ourselves why this album is so influential with all 1.316 seconds of You Suffer.

Ah, happy days...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Best book title in the world ever?

Fight: Or, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ass-kicking But Were Afraid You'd Get Your Ass Kicked for Asking

It's written by Eugene Robinson, the vocalist in Oxbow - dare I use the Henry Rollins comparison? Why not? They are both singers who have been known to strip down to their pants while performing, both write, and have both expressed an interest in fighting; plus if I mentioned he is in Oxbow I have my doubts that the few people who do read this blog will know who I'm going on about.

Anyway, judging by some of his previous writing, and of course that title, it could be an entertaining read.