Monday, December 10, 2007


I've just seen Boris live...

and Sunn O)))...

and Boris and Sunn O))) on stage at the same fucking time!

Some pictures:

Boris are amazing! They started slow, gentle even, until half way through their set when they must have hit a weakness in the tectonic plate under England, it honestly felt like being in an earthquake.

As for Sunn O))), I'll be honest I think they were a bit quiet - this is the third time I've seen them live and I just haven't had the whole "my god - my nose is vibrating" - moment as I did the first time. However, their new singer Attila outdid himself today, basically going for a look which was a cross between a corpse, a pagan god and a tree.

Now Boris and Sunn O))) together? Fuck and indeed yes! Unfortunatly I had to leave early due to trains so I only got to see a couple of songs (although I don't think they were going to do the full version of Altar) but what songs. They surprised me and started off with a ballard, The Sinking Belle... I was almost in tears in the end. They played it perfectly... Then they followed with Etna! Now if Boris managed to hit a tectonic plate during their brief set, together with Sunn O))) they managed to drill right through, it was like a volcanic eruption. They so need to play together again.

And in other "can music get better" - news. Have you heard What Portishead are up to? This is a video from this weekends ATP festival:

They have turned into Nine Inch Nails! Joy!

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