Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have a text file on the desktop of my laptop at home (well embedded into it using Samurize as I like to show off my geek credentials occasionally) called todo.txt. For the past few weeks all it has said is "dry clean suit, play Lost Odyssey."

The suit thing is fair enough, it needs cleaning - but what is Lost Odyssey and why play it? Well, it's a Japanese role playing game for the XBox360: it tells a story about a thousand year old immortal character, was produced by some of the minds behind the Final Fantasy series and spans a story crossing 4 DVDs. It's very nice to look at, has some good old fashioned turn based RPG mechanics (which I like - I'm old, sue me!), and a pretty good story for most parts.

Sixty hours of game play later and I'm done, you would think I'd want a rest after that, but oh no! I have two little problems: Number one is the back log of over a dozen unfinished games that normally squats accusingly under my TV,but looming large (quite literally) over all of those is this beast of a game:

I may be some time...

Friday, April 25, 2008

BORIS, definitely the capitalised version...

The above picture is from Wednesday night,

Support was from Growing whom I'm still not sure what to make of - they made some interesting sounds, but I was a bit thrown by the fact that I couldn't work out how the actions they performed on stage related to the noises I heard. Have a look at this video to see what I mean.

Boris went down the more traditional route, which is fine by me. \m/

Friday, April 18, 2008

The most god awful picture you will see of Portishead, ever!

The headline is another example of what I like to call a 'lie', I have far worse pictures on my phone...

So, I went to see Portishead last night (ner, ner ner! he said making silly faces in your general direction). The support act was great, if you like East European folk music - and accordians... hmm.

Portishead were... comfortable. I think that describes them best, still trying to warm to the new material, it does seem to miss a certain je ne sais quoi. I think it may be the lack of slightly psychotic obsessing over lost love that I'm just not getting from the new album.

Anyway, can't be bothered to describe it in detail so why not have a look at some more crap pictures of said gig over here.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lies & porn

I will update my website regularly and I won't make a big song and dance about a swanky new redesign then let it stagnate for at least a month. Pah!

Anyway, about those pornographic comic books:

The book is called Lost Girls written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Melinda Gebbie, it comes (fnar) in 3 volumes, and according to Wikipedia: "Lost Girls is an erotic graphic novel depicting the sexual adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century".

I've got my hands on it as I'm, well - not a fan as such, but someone who recognises Alan Moore as one of the most important writers in the comic book industry, plus due to the nature of the content you have to snap this book up quick before it gets banned.

So what do I think of it? Well, I'm not sure - the language does seem a bit "Ooh more tea vicar! Don't mind if I do" etc, but with more reference to orifices, and the story is maybe a bit thin if you take all of the incessant shagging away.

As a piece of pornography I'm not sure about it either, probably due to over exposure of the internet - I mean, we've all seen pretty much everything that is to be seen haven't we? Or maybe because there are some fairly distasteful elements to the story (incest, bestiality it's all here!), or maybe I'm just not into comic book characters shagging.

However as an objet d'art I think it's fantastic. Each panel is painted beautifully, the books themselves are proper hardback editions with dust covers painted like old children's books and the three volumes come in a nice sturdy box.


And now I've just realised I've resorted to talking about the box that, possibly one of the most groundbreaking pieces of comic book work, comes in. I'm giving up now! Have a read of what Neil Gaiman wrote about Lost Girls, it's a much better read.