Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have a text file on the desktop of my laptop at home (well embedded into it using Samurize as I like to show off my geek credentials occasionally) called todo.txt. For the past few weeks all it has said is "dry clean suit, play Lost Odyssey."

The suit thing is fair enough, it needs cleaning - but what is Lost Odyssey and why play it? Well, it's a Japanese role playing game for the XBox360: it tells a story about a thousand year old immortal character, was produced by some of the minds behind the Final Fantasy series and spans a story crossing 4 DVDs. It's very nice to look at, has some good old fashioned turn based RPG mechanics (which I like - I'm old, sue me!), and a pretty good story for most parts.

Sixty hours of game play later and I'm done, you would think I'd want a rest after that, but oh no! I have two little problems: Number one is the back log of over a dozen unfinished games that normally squats accusingly under my TV,but looming large (quite literally) over all of those is this beast of a game:

I may be some time...

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