Monday, May 5, 2008

Things that suck, and things that don't suck - part whatever

Let's start with something that sucks:

Leicester being relegated into the third tier of the English Football league for the first time in over 100 years

Yes I know I'm a crap football fan: I don't own a season ticket, I don't get pissed every other weekend and spend my time in the company of thousands of other like minded fans, I follow Leicester in a way that could be described as 'ambient' at times - through a brief few seconds of reporting on Sky Sports News here and there, or through hopelessly optimistic Leicester supporting websites - by all rights I shouldn't care.

But I do, and watching them go down to the delight of a pub full of Coventry City fans was pretty much the least fun thing I've witnessed this year...

Things that didn't suck? This:

A brand new, completely free (both financially and guilt speaking) Nine Inch Nails album. It's ace, and you can download it in a variety of formats here.

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