Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birth-day to Meeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to Me!

32 Years old today, still going, just about...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday morning is being more painful than usual, I've made a half hearted attempt to update a couple of pages on my site but as you can see here and here, my hearts not really in it.

However I have found a rather 'banging' little tune on the interweb which is taking the edge off things a little, have a listen to it over here, don't worry it's not the normal scary rubbish I listen to. The only problem I have is with it only being 7 minutes 58 seconds long, too short...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

not albums...

Mogwai - Friend of the Night
First single from the forth-coming Mogwai album and it's a bit of a belter. Starts gently with piano's and guitars - typical Mogwai stuff really, then about half way through it shifts up a gear into something really majestic. If they can pull off this sort of trick for the whole album it will be nothing short of amazing.

MP3: Friend of the Night

Battles - EP B / C EP
A couple of old EPs from what most people seem to describe as 'post-rock' band Battles. It's intriguing stuff, on paper they have a traditional line-up, guitars, bass and drums - on record they sound more like someone like Autechre, which for a rock group is a pretty impressive trick to pull off. It's a bit dry in places and the last track on the second disc is the most pointless track I've heard for a long time, but besides that it's good stuff.

MP3: Dance

Prefuse 73 - Security Screenings
Never really quite sure why I always buy Prefuse 73 CDs, the music is good but always fails to sink in properly. This tune is one of the few collaborations, in this case with Four Tet, which makes the track stand out a bit from the rest of the CD.

MP3: Creating cynical headaches

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lego + Manga + Robots =

That sound you can hear in the background is the world becoming a slightly nicer place to live in...

Well maybe that's maybe over doing it a bit, but it's still cool and building Lego robots did provide a pleasant distraction from Saturday's hangover.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well, unless my postman is running spectacularly late it looks like I'm not getting any Valentine's Day cards.

Quelle ... fucking ... suprise, as they say in France.

Hmph. Well, until we get back to the days of the Horny Werewolf Festivals, I have found a website that expresses my feelings towards the current nasty little, commercial driven, Christian festival.


Nice to see there are other equally bitter people in the world.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My body is rebelling against me again, a couple of weeks ago I ended up over doing it in the gym and pulling a muscle on my side (the bit just below the rib cage - don't ask me what its called). Now it appears that this muscle group can suck up all bad parts of my hangover and focus it all in one tiny area of my torso - basic upshot it feels like someone has been repeatedly stabbing my side all day - which isn't fun.

Anway, it's all my own fault so I shouldn't moan about it so much, I've been drinking a bit too much over the last few days. All started Thursday with a leaving do at work, probably should have ducked away early from that one when the tequila's made an appearance.

Friday night was a bit quieter, well in the sense that there was less drinking, it definitely wasn't quieter in terms of noise. I went to see Sunn 0))) and Earth play in Islington, top show by a couple of legends of the "experimental Metal" scene. Really enjoyed that gig, here are some pictures mainly of Earth and there trombone of doom are over here, the pictures of Sunn 0))) didn't really turn out which is a shame, they are quite a visual band, lot's of dry ice and they all wear robes to really capture that 'we are the kings of doom!!!!' atmosphere.

Saturday night (and a fair bit of the afternoon too!) was spent in London generally drinking too much and watching sporting events to celebrate the birthdays of Mr Ezzi and Mr Cole, pictures from that night are also over here.

So that was the last few days, I'm now going to attempt to lie down without whining...

Monday, February 6, 2006

Bleurgh! It's Monday, and I really could do with it being any other day - frankly I'm not in the mood for putting up with any of Monday's crap! I want to be at home playing We ? Katamari (a strange game where you roll around a sticky ball picking up objects that vary in size from things like paper clips and drawing pins all the way up to planets in the Solar System - it's also notable for being the only game to berate me for finishing it too quickly).

Anyway, enough inane rambling here's some pictures of drunk people, and if you fancy listening to something a bit interesting how about this effort involving a Poetry Machine?

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Semantic networks?

FM Einheit / Jamie Lidell / David Link / Saskia V. Klitzing / Volker Kamp - Echohce
From the sleevenotes:

"ECHOHCE is a project for a singer, musicians and a machine generating text. The singer speaks the title of the next song into the microphone to announce it to the audience. The song does not yet exist. The computer answers by generating a stream of associations related to the topic. The lyrics are printed on eight needle printers above the stage as they evolve. The singer selects text that seems meaningful to him and performs it together with the musicians."

It's not as pretenscious as it sounds, solid rythmn section, great vocals from Jamie Lidell - all pretty interesting, have a listen.

MP3: Revolution ('Shon')

Thursday, February 2, 2006

After about two years I've actually sorted out one of my New Years' Resolutions, specifically the one about sorting my credit card bill out. Having said that I think it will be a miracle if I can get through this month without dumping the cost of a shiny new HD-ready TV on it.

And speaking of miracles and New Years' Resolutions, I've just hit my one month anniversary of non-smoking, it's been way too easy so far, I'm starting to get nervous...