Sunday, February 12, 2006

My body is rebelling against me again, a couple of weeks ago I ended up over doing it in the gym and pulling a muscle on my side (the bit just below the rib cage - don't ask me what its called). Now it appears that this muscle group can suck up all bad parts of my hangover and focus it all in one tiny area of my torso - basic upshot it feels like someone has been repeatedly stabbing my side all day - which isn't fun.

Anway, it's all my own fault so I shouldn't moan about it so much, I've been drinking a bit too much over the last few days. All started Thursday with a leaving do at work, probably should have ducked away early from that one when the tequila's made an appearance.

Friday night was a bit quieter, well in the sense that there was less drinking, it definitely wasn't quieter in terms of noise. I went to see Sunn 0))) and Earth play in Islington, top show by a couple of legends of the "experimental Metal" scene. Really enjoyed that gig, here are some pictures mainly of Earth and there trombone of doom are over here, the pictures of Sunn 0))) didn't really turn out which is a shame, they are quite a visual band, lot's of dry ice and they all wear robes to really capture that 'we are the kings of doom!!!!' atmosphere.

Saturday night (and a fair bit of the afternoon too!) was spent in London generally drinking too much and watching sporting events to celebrate the birthdays of Mr Ezzi and Mr Cole, pictures from that night are also over here.

So that was the last few days, I'm now going to attempt to lie down without whining...

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