Monday, August 28, 2006

I was going to do a big post tonight but Blogger is being a pain and not letting me upload images, anyway - here are a couple of music posts instead. First some Tigerbeat related artists (not that good to be honest), and a really good CD from a group called Daughters - enjoy!
Spazcore Apparently...

Daughters - Hell Songs
Ooh I like this. I've heard the term spazcore associated with the sort of downright mental hardcore that bands like Daughters play. It's sort of metal, but played at breakneck speed quite often, with strange Jazz type noodling and drunken singing. And all clocking in at easily under half an hour, which is a good solid length for this sort of music. If you like The Dillinger Escape Plan you will like this, hopefully as much as me.

MP3: Daughters Spelled Wrong
tigerbeat refugees...

Matmos - The Rose Has Teeth In The Mouth Of A Beast
Ten audio portraits of mainly literary influences of the Matmos duo played using there usual strict sampling rules. For example the title track uses rose, teeth and manure as percussion elements (how I have no idea!) set to spoken word excerpts of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations - pop music this is not. I think the Pitchfork review summed the album up best describing it as a colletion of experiments resulting in frenetic dance tracks doubling as reading lists.

MP3: Roses and Teeth for Ludwig Wittgenstein

Cex - Know Doubt
I've always found Cex a bit annoying, he started off doing some very promising IDM-esque electronica (must not complare to Aphex Twin!), then went downhill a bit with some more hip-hop influenced stuff, came back with the Being Ridden album and it's slightly superior instrumental companion piece, and then went all Linkin Park on the Maryland Mansion CD (which I loved). I'm not sure about now, I'm vaguely dissatified by this EP - I think the thing that has always annoyed me about him is the way that I know he has a blinder of an album buried deep down there somewhere, I just haven't heard it yet.

MP3: Contains It

Kid606 - Pretty Girls Make Raves
Sort of traditional squelchy rave based CD from Mr Depedro. I hate to say it, but it's a bit dull in places - I've heard he's started playing with a band nowadays, I must say I'm far more interested in hearing how this turns out.

MP3: Let it Rock

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Once every so often a piece of music seeps out of the ether and absolutely floors me, this is one such track from a band on Warp Records called Grizzly Bear.
If you get fed up of manually stopping and starting it (Bleep only preview 30 seconds of music at a time) they have the full track streaming on Warp's homepage at the moment. I also found this blog post which has a really cool acapella version of a track they did whilst casually walking through Paris.

I sense a potential album of the year brewing.

I've not been updating this site enough have I? I blame depression inducing binge drinking (and having a broken Xbox360 to go with my broken PSP doesn't help matters one bit either). In fact the only bit I regularly update is the credit card stress testing schedule and that's really only for my own benefit - It's nice to have something to look forward to, the SunnO))) Boris collaboration (Phil says a little prayer to any of the old gods passing by - please tour!) and the thought of a new Sophia album are a couple of things keeping me going.

Anyway, might try to post again soon - I have a pile of CDs that I keep meaning to post about, in the meantime - keep it grimm! I'm off to watch the new Prison Break episode.

You have to love that photo! (It's SunnO))) and Boris btw)

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Go! Go! Gadget attack vagina!

Excellent video, not sure what I'm more fightened of - the aforementioned vagina, or The Horrors' rhythm section.

More info here.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Amazing Stop Motion Video -

This is exactly what all my days are like. Exactly! Except maybe for the head shaving... the sprinkly chocolate stuff... the hooded tops... lack of Sharepoint... and the drum and bass soundtrack (mine seems to be all doom metal nowadays - hail Satan! w00t!)... and my games consoles aren't quite as needy.

So it's nothing like my day then - damn cool video though!