Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Enlightenment through Cheap Electronic Goods

This is the FM3 Buddha Machine

...or more correctly the Buddha Machine v2.0 which I purchased from Cargo.

At the most base level it's an electronic box which holds 9 ambient sound loops. Or if you want to be a bit more open-minded about things: it as a unique way to deliver an album of ambient music, giving the listener control of how long to play the loops for along with the pitch that the loop is played.

I've been playing with it this evening and I'm impressed, there is something wonderfully raw about the whole thing. It's very "plastic-y", and the speaker is very easy to overdrive but these things just add to the charm. The music itself is very well constructed, plenty of pleasant string instrumentation and nicely looped so you can get all transcendental if so desired.

If you are intrigued by this very short report then I suggest heading over to the FM3 site where there are plenty of interesting links including mp3s of all the loops and even a link to an iPhone application...

FM3 Buddha Machine

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