Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Resolutions

1. Stop Smoking
For this attempt I'm channeling the spirit of Allen Carr through video games:

Basically this involves being told how all the 'good things' I associate with Cigarettes are lies through the medium of really bad mini games.

2. Do something with
I do actually own the domain, so it's about time I did something with it - this could involve just blogging about how great/frustrating/bemusing SharePoint is to work with with the odd google AdWords widget to bring in some cash, or it could be the beginning of a rather unique consulting empire... ha!

3. Weird Music Festivals
I subscribe to The Wire, so I'm always seeing adverts for interesting looking European music festivals, why not give one a go? Or at least try to get to one of the ATP Festivals or Supersonic this year, even if this involves a solo trip since my taste in music is so much more awesome than everyone elses :-)

4. Update this blog more often
I'm experimenting with some automatic posts from delicious and YouTube. In theory a review of World of Goo should pop up soon... Incidentally how can you fail to love a game which has these sort of messages popping up:

Just perfect... :-/

I'm tempted to try to get facebook to update this blog too, but since my facebook profile is already being updated automatically when this blog updates there is the possibility of creating a nasty paradox and breaking the Internet, so maybe not.

5. Invent Time Machine
Speaking of paradoxes...

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