Monday, April 26, 2004

A new band

TV on the Radio - Young Liars EP

I was put off this band for a bit for no other reason than they seem to be friends with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs - who I don't like (no logical reason, they just seem like a bunch of cunts to me). It took a posting of the song Young Liars on an mp3 Blog to get me into there music, basically on this EP they seem to be almost industrial - lot's of metallic type drones and fairly harsh sounding drum beats. But, they have this amazing vocalist, who has this stunning voice (which OK, does sound a bit like Peter Gabriel); they have this way of being really epic and scarily intimate at the same time; and they do a doo-wop cover of a Pixies song when your least expecting it! Very good stuff - looking forward to a proper album and maybe seeing them live...

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