Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I've finally updated my CD collection section, it's getting near to the end of the year and since I'm expecting the usual draught of good CDs before the end of the year whilst all the record shops are packed to the rafters with crappy cash in compilations I can't see myself buying anymore this year. So I'm going to have to think of my top ten CDs of the year soon, and maybe compile a scary list of CDs to show why my credit card bill is so big.

In other news I went to see The Incredibles tonight. It's got to be one of my favourite films of the year, I was expecting a reasonably amusing super hero piss-take, but was pleasantly surprised to watch something a lot more grown-up. Sure, the superhero jokes are still there, but so is some fantatsic artwork and design, especially in some of the early scenes with Mr Incedible at his day time job. It's a film that does flashy effects only when it needs to, and it doesn't skip on great characterisation and an equally strong storyline, unlike certain other CGI films I could mention *cough* Shark Tale *cough*.

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