Tuesday, November 2, 2004

There is a big election today, I could be all dismissive and say I don't care about it as it's not my Country whose having the election, but I do. I don't want that psychotic, war-mongering, religious nut-job George Bush in charge of what is probably the world's largest supply of weaponary for another four years. Who knows when he'll get bored with the Middle East and go for Europe?

Yeah yeah I hear you cry, stop over-reacting Phil... Seriously though, he is clearly insane, the way he laughs in some of his speeches, and that whole if you're not with us you're against us speech was just plain wrong. So, if any American folks wander in here today (unlikely I know, but I'm sure my log files show some Colonials have visited at some point) do the decent thing and vote him out.

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