Thursday, November 11, 2004

Well the lights are down low, the wine is open it must be that special time of year - yep, Halo 2 is out. Oh my, it's good, I've been playing it pretty much full stop for about 4 hours and the only reason I've been having breaks is due to a severe case of videogame thumb. I'm dying to blab on about it but I'm going to be good and keep my gob shut so I don't spoil it for anyone. Still I will say there is one bit in the game where you get this strangely intruiging cut scene, which then oh my god it's carrying on, and I'm playing it... and! and!

OK, enough about Halo. I've been quiet this week due to work sucking ass hard! Having to deal with four different people from one client hassling me constantly is getting on my nerves, shut up people!

Evenings have been taken up with the new Grand Theft Auto game, I'm coming to the slightly controversial decision that I don't like it as much as Vice City. OK technically it's much better, but it's just missing something - I can't quite put my finger on it; maybe I'm missing the 80's nostalgia, maybe it's the fact that the language is just a little too cliched, or maybe it's just not as funny as the last one. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy it, just that I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

Anyway, I'll try to post a bit more often in the next few days. I've got a bunch of very interesting CDs to tell you about soon, and it is the legendary Woking Beer Festival tomorrow which should produce a few interesting pictures...

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