Friday, December 2, 2005

Went to see The Progidy last night, rather good. One of the loudest shows I've ever heard, almost glad that we were in the balcony, there was a constant cloud of steam from people sweating in the pit. They thankfully went for a greatest hits show, ignoring most of the new album, just like being back in 1991 - although maybe with a bit more metal. Usual blurry, crappy pictures here.

Now there's something else... Oh yes, Happy 'Being Microsoft's Bitch' Day!

As you can see the new XBox360 has settled in nicely, the old one has been discarded like the proverbial unwanted puppy at Christmas. I've got three games with it, Project Gotham Racing 3, Perfect Dark Zero and Condemned: Criminal Origins. Project Gotham is pure videogame racing porn, I'm not sure about Perfect Dark - need to play it a bit more, and I haven't played Condemned - but from what I gather it's about beating psychotic tramps up with big sticks. Sounds like fun!

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