Thursday, March 29, 2007

dan le sac VS scroobius pip

Tune of the Week

Last weekend I found a bit of time to sit down with a region 1 version of the American Hardcore DVD which chronicles the history of American Punk Rock during the early eighties. Combining this little trip back to the musical habits of my teenage self with the fact that I accidently upgraded my eMusic subscription to connoisseur (300 mp3s a month - gulp!) has mean't I've been downloading plenty of punk rock this week.

Now, I've got plenty of tunes from the obvious sources: Black Flag, Bad Brains, Circle Jerks (if you don't recognise any of those names, do a bit of research!), but there is one band whose name I've seem crop up a few times but whom I haven't heard any tunes from called Mission of Burma.

Like a lot of hardcore bands they released a few singles and an album before disbanding around about the time that the hardcore scene imploded.

The thing is they came back...

The following tune is from there second comeback album The Obliterati, an absolutely stunning album I completely overlooked when it was released last year - I'm almost ashamed of myself.

Mission of Burma - Donna Sumeria

Monday, March 26, 2007


Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search
to phil
show details
06:56 (0 minutes ago)>>>>
||||| date-time failure |||||>



The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL.

This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment.

You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones.

For further information on making good choices, visit


Bureau of Morality
One Nation Under God

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Go Drunken Pictures! Go!

Oh yes!

As you can see pictures of people drinking stuff (alcohol hopefully) have returned to the site. You may also notice that I can now publish these posts directly from my phone... I suspect at some point this will cause problems, it's only a matter of time before something incriminating or borderline obscene gets posted.

Anyway, here's a to-do list - it's for my benefit, posting it up here should guilt trip me into action:
  • Write big 'state of the phil' post to make up for the lack of posts over the last year
  • Implement a 'tune of the week' feature - not sure about having it automatically stream what with my new found interest in Black metal...
  • To stop watching this program about fell-walking that I am completely glued to at the minute... It's the complete opposite of not being able to look away from car accidents - possibly the most calm and serene thing I've ever seen on television.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007

First of the day...

Another cool* feature of this blog is i can now post directly from my phone.

*if i can just stretch the definition of the word cool for a moment or two

Thursday, March 22, 2007

"I got Cadillac, Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack"

Could it be I've finished with my website design?

Well, if you can call this a 'design' rather than a hastily thrown together collection of links hanging off a blog with the odd drop shadow and RSS feed to make things look a bit web 2.0 - then I guess 'design' it is.

But I'm also taking the opportunity to have a good clear out so there are some content changes here as well as the aforementioned 'design'.

All of the old camera phone pictures have been moved over to flickr (but have yet to be tagged properly - you will always see the latest 9 images in the top left corner of this site), I've ditched the mp3 blog as my music purchasing activities have moved into the digital age - emusic and bleep feature just as much as physical CDs nowadays so having a section named after my CD collection seems a bit wrong. And if you have some sort of weird need to know exactly what videogames I'll be wasting my money on in the next month or so there are now Amazon wishlists. Ace.

Anyway, that was the introduction post - the preamble. From now on we'll delve into the wacky world that is my life, I'll let you know what has been happening over the last few months (hint: nothing), and maybe try to figure out some way to improve things. I'm all about being positive this year, but that can wait for another post...