Thursday, March 22, 2007

"I got Cadillac, Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack"

Could it be I've finished with my website design?

Well, if you can call this a 'design' rather than a hastily thrown together collection of links hanging off a blog with the odd drop shadow and RSS feed to make things look a bit web 2.0 - then I guess 'design' it is.

But I'm also taking the opportunity to have a good clear out so there are some content changes here as well as the aforementioned 'design'.

All of the old camera phone pictures have been moved over to flickr (but have yet to be tagged properly - you will always see the latest 9 images in the top left corner of this site), I've ditched the mp3 blog as my music purchasing activities have moved into the digital age - emusic and bleep feature just as much as physical CDs nowadays so having a section named after my CD collection seems a bit wrong. And if you have some sort of weird need to know exactly what videogames I'll be wasting my money on in the next month or so there are now Amazon wishlists. Ace.

Anyway, that was the introduction post - the preamble. From now on we'll delve into the wacky world that is my life, I'll let you know what has been happening over the last few months (hint: nothing), and maybe try to figure out some way to improve things. I'm all about being positive this year, but that can wait for another post...

1 comment:

  1. please could we have a 'darthphil, track of the week' section on your new and improved website? maybe it could play when you open the page?
