Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tune of the Week

Last weekend I found a bit of time to sit down with a region 1 version of the American Hardcore DVD which chronicles the history of American Punk Rock during the early eighties. Combining this little trip back to the musical habits of my teenage self with the fact that I accidently upgraded my eMusic subscription to connoisseur (300 mp3s a month - gulp!) has mean't I've been downloading plenty of punk rock this week.

Now, I've got plenty of tunes from the obvious sources: Black Flag, Bad Brains, Circle Jerks (if you don't recognise any of those names, do a bit of research!), but there is one band whose name I've seem crop up a few times but whom I haven't heard any tunes from called Mission of Burma.

Like a lot of hardcore bands they released a few singles and an album before disbanding around about the time that the hardcore scene imploded.

The thing is they came back...

The following tune is from there second comeback album The Obliterati, an absolutely stunning album I completely overlooked when it was released last year - I'm almost ashamed of myself.

Mission of Burma - Donna Sumeria

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