Thursday, May 17, 2007

I can manage on 4 hours sleep just fine...*clunk* *snore*

If I could have one wish at the moment I think I'd skip over the obvious ones. You know: to win the lottery, to find happiness in the arms of a beautiful woman, laser beam eyes so I could destroy my enemies like the maggots that they are!

No, my wish would be to be able to sleep for 8 hours, in a row, without the need to get blind drunk, and to be able to wake up refreshed and ready to face the world - it must be just peachy to be able to do that.

I seriously can't remember the last time I had a continuous nights sleep (discounting any alcohol induced comas obviously). I either wake up after about an hour of going to sleep in a bit of a blind panic which I'm putting down to stress, or I'll wake up at 4am or just after 5am with horrible cramp in my foot.

I can just about handle waking up after 5am, by the time the painkillers have kicked in it will be around 6am which is sort of a reasonable time to start getting ready for work. The 4am wake up call is more problematic; with this one I spend an hour getting rid of the cramp (or whatever the hell it is, I'm leaning towards it being a voodoo curse of some sort), then fall back to sleep around 5am, and inevitably end up waking up around about 9am, just in time to realise I'm going to be horribly late for work, which is a great way to start the day let me tell you.

Anyway, just wanted to get that out of my system. You never know, maybe it will have some psychological effect and because I've started talking about one of my many, many problems it will magically go away...


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