Monday, July 2, 2007

Romance through violent computer games

One of the many many games I'm obsessed/playing at the moment is The Darkness, a charming little number based on a (not too bad at all) comic about a mafia hit man possessed by a demonic avenging spirit called, well guess what: The Darkness.

However just because it's an incredibly violent game doesn't mean there isn't room for a bit of L'Amour! May I draw your attention to the second achievement I've acquired in the list below (ignore the last one, actually ignore the last three).

Yes! It's now official, my non existent love life is officially being catered for by my Xbox.

Oh crap...


  1. Being socialable makes you live longer. Anti-social men die younger than more outgoing ones because they are more likely to get heart disease, scientists say. People who suffer from social avoidance have an inbuilt anger which can cause high blood pressure, the US study adds.

  2. Sounds like I'm in trouble then :-(
