Sunday, July 18, 2004

It has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion, that this site has been getting a bit shit...

Naturally my first reaction to this has been one of stifled outrage (it's a good job my laser beam eyes don't work at the moment). However once the red mist has cleared I can't help but to find myself agreeing that this site has got itself stuck in a rut. And what's the best way for a website to get out of a rut?

The obvious answer is of course: Porn, and lots of it. But unfortunately I lack the webspace and bandwidth to do justice to the subject. Nope, I think the best way is a good old fashioned redesign - so here it is: version whatever.

The content is basically the same, however: I've moved the credit card stress testing section into it's own page (I should get rid of it, but the obsessive compulsive in me feels the need to make lists of all the DVDs, CDs and videogames I'd like to buy - getting rid of it could cause serious psychological trauma); I've made a bookmarks page, this is where I'm going to post all the vaguely interesting links I find, rather than sticking random links on the main page; and for the geeks amongst you the whole site has been mozilla'ed up (so it should work in Firefox now) - oh, and each section has its own Atom format XML feed for anyone using an RSS Reader.

Hopefully the redesign will inspire some half decent posts...

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