Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Saturday's Impulse Buys

Arthur Russell - Calling out of Context

Arthur Russell was a ridiculously prolific New York cellist (there are apparently hundreds of his tapes left unreleased) who may or may not been the missing link between disco or house music, he also made some charmingly melancholic tunes with just his voice, heavily processed cello and minimal extra instrumentation which this CD showcases. It's kind of depressing to listen to as your left with the feeling that if he was born a decade or two later the world would have been more able to accept his music. Still, what he left behind after his death is well worth exploring and I recommend this CD to anyone after something to soundtrack lazy Sunday mornings after a busy Saturday night of partying.

Isis - Mosquito Control EP

I tend to think of Isis as a heavy metal version of Mogwai, one of those bands who are not afraid to show there 'post rock' tendencies. This is an early release of theres, but none the less still far more mature than any metal band I care to name. Crushingly powerful, but still with qualities of beauty in places. They have a couple of remix EPs doing the round and a new CD coming out in a couple of months - I can't wait for that.

Murcof - Utopia

Mexican ambient music anyone? How about some classical music influence minimal house music? Honestly it's really good. This CD features remixes from his previous album Martes along with some epic new pieces. Really good intelligent electronica which I'm glad to welcome into my CD collection

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