Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Well I think the website is beginning to settle in nicely: the CD collection section is up to date, I've transferred all the bookmarks from my laptop into the new portable bookmark section (I recommend the mp3blog links to the music lovers, and the gadgets section to the geeks), and you now have smilies to play with in the comments if you can work out how to use them.

I'm still a bit dissatisfied about some of the graphics, but overall I think it's an improvement. Any constructive comments on the new design will be welcome (negative ones will be treated with the contempt they deserve!).

Anyway, let me get back to trying a proper post - I may even try not to go on about music like I normally do. ;-)

I've been trying to quit smoking again, third time now (I count an attempt to quit smoking as making it through 24 hours without a ciggy). Once again I seem to have failed...

I think the reason is I don't seem to be able to accept that being nicotine free is a benefit. OK, I'd have some extra cash, but I know I'd only blow this on CD binges and videogames that I'd never finish. The short term health benefits have a certain amount of appeal, but I don't think I do enough exercise to feel the benefit. As for long term health benefits: well, since the male side of my family seem to be genetically predetermined to self destruct at the age of 50 (at 30 I'm the oldest living male relation on my Father's side - a pretty scary thought at times) I find it difficult to see that giving up smoking would help there.

Of course these arguments are all a load of crap, the truth is there are three ways I'm going to give up: it gets banned, I wake up and stop believing the above shite, or (and this is a long shot) I meet someone who is going to give me a reason to change...

Another reason I'm still smoking is the band I'm going to see in a couple of weeks time (I knew that not going on about music wasn't going to last). This is Justin Broadrick formerly the brains behind Godflesh, now recording as Jesu:

A fairly pleasant looking chap standing in a field of flowers, however he's responsible for some of the most emotionally draining music you will ever hear (listen to the samples over here if you feel brave). Not the sort of stuff to be approach lightly, and frankly the thought of putting myself through such an experiance nicotine free is not one I can contemplate at the moment.

I'll quit after I see them play though - honest...

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