Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Some new CDs...
Electronic music and folk music...

Watch and Repeat Play

This is a mix CD by someone called Buddy Peace and ZILLA that comes with the new Warp records DVD. It's one of those incredibly complex mix CDs that often seems to involve about half a dozen songs being played at the same time, each being chopped up beyond recognition. As an overview of Warp records catalogue it's as good as you'll get, mainly taking in there pure electronic artists with a sprinkling of some of there more eccentric performers such as Beans and Gravenhurst... A jolly good CD, and the DVD it comes with is just as good.

Gravenhurst - Flashlight Sessions

I have no idea what this is doing on Warp, it's folk music! Most of the songs just involve an acoustic guitar, melancholic vocals which if anything remind me of Simon & Garfunkel and maybe a smattering of subtle instrumentalisation - theres even a harmonica involved. Its really beautiful stuff, one for the conisseurs of sad songs.

Knifehandchop - How I Left You

Apparently this was written after a particularly bad break up. And what's the best music for expressing the emotional pain of the one you love walking away from you. Well, apparently it's old school rave. Hmm, not sure about that - but it's still a pretty good CD, it makes me almost nostalgic for the rave days.

Devendra Banhart - Nino Rojo

I should hate this bloke: he perfoms on stage whilst sitting cross legged on a cushion and while he wears a poncho, he warbles whilst he sings, and he writes silly little childlike folk songs with titles like 'Wake Up Little Spider'. He's a proper, full on hippy! But damn it he's good, his guitar playing verges on amazing at times and his songs have a a refreshingly non-cynical feel to them which I can't help but admire.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I'm beginning to wish I hadn't drunk so much yesterday...

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Funny old weekend so far, there has been no social drinking - I feel a bit weird...

Anyway, I went to see the new Tom Cruise film Collateral yesterday, it's OK. Basically it tells the story of a taxi driver as he is forced to ferry a hitman around his rounds, most of it is pretty good. Lot's of lingering shots of LA freeways, Tom Cruise doing a very good bad guy type character, and some Jazzzzz. The only complaints I have are the ending (ie the last 'hit') was a bit contrived, and the character of the taxi driver was slightly overshadowed by Mr Cruise.

Today I bought the new PC game Sims 2 - the way it imitates life has already started to scare me. For example I created a rough digital Phil and plonked him into his own house, he only seems to be interested in playing games and has already been rejected by the cute red headed Sim who moved into the neighbourhood... :-S

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Rammstein - Amerika - Heavy metal song/video of the year?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I'm back from Malia, and the post holiday blues are settling in nicely thank you very much.

Lots of pictures to laugh at, I'm too tired for a full report but briefly the holiday involved: a suprisingly good apartment complex considering the price, lots of alcohol, good food, lots of sun worshipping (which was a new experiance for me), a few football matches, and bugger all site seeing.

A couple of CDs turned up whilst I was away, details are here. They are not desperately interesting I'm afraid.

Mr Scruff - Keep It Solid Steel

Typically solid mix from Mr Scruff, starts with a bit of reggae before settling down into a bad ass hip hop funk groove. From what I understand this will be the first of several mixes from the Scruff-meister in this series.

Exploratory Music From Portugal 04

Free CD from The Wire, bit wasted on me I'm afraid.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Darth Phil is off on a summer holiday, no more work for a week or... well, a week. Updates will be few and far between until next Wednesday, but I'm sure you'll manage.

Isis - 09.23.03

This is a live recording from the Isis as they were promoting there excellent Oceanic CD. This show was recorded when they were supporting Mogwai (now there's a line up I'd pay good money for), the quality is unfortunatly not very good - pretty basic bootleg standard really - but you do get a good impression of there live presence. One for the fans.

The Twilight Singers - She Loves You

Not sure about this one, Greg Dulli doing a whole album of cover versions. The album cover is very promising - basically a crotch shot, but it has a definite Afghan Whigs feel to it, but I'm not sure about the choice of covers. John Coltrane is a difficult one for a rock group to pull off, and most of the others I'm unfamiliar with so its difficult for me to appreciate the interpretations on offer. Having said that the version of Bjork's Hyperballard is brilliant - but I do have a definte soft spot for that song.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Today was the Staines Boat Club Pubs and Clubs Regatta, there were two boats representing SFW - the company who pay my wages.

The lads crew (named 'Stroke My Cox' - snigger) did there best and managed not to sink, but the ladys (aka 'The Adams Family' - much more sensible name) did us proud and came back with some silverware. If you have a video player on your PC that can handle 3gp files (quicktime and real player seem to handle them) you can watch a video of The Adams Family cruising to victory in there final over here.

I have some pictures from my phone over here, but the people at the Staines Boat Club are obviously far more organsied and have a bunch of proper photos which you can find here.
Britney's Latest Ironic Tee: "MILF In Training"

Not sure if you've been following Britney's fall (well, more like a trip) from grace, but I really don't know what to say about this - it's got to be porn next, hasn't it?

Friday, September 10, 2004

drunken post time - please excuse the spelling and lack of grammar...

OK, pictures... not my fault! So I can point you towards them without the usual voyeuristic guilt trip.

Just finished watching the mercury music prize awards on BBC2, my god it was dull - and frankly depressing. Is Franz - look at our shiny suits - Ferdinand the best this country can come up with? Bollocks! We can do better than that. Just flicking through my CD collection this year I can come up with at least two bands that are better than Franz Fucking-dull-boring-safe-Ferdin-we-desperately-want-to-be-Interpol-and.

First stop: Spring Heel Jack, ok they may use some foreign musicians, and occasionally get a bit up there own arses, but damn it they seem to have generally made an attempt at breaking conventions whilst still being able to raise the hairs on the back of my neck.

Second choice: Philip Jeck - I'm sorry but the man can create some of the most beautiful, emotional music using a couple of antique record players, some forgotten vinyl and a handful of dust, it deserves some recognition. (Please!) Go and listen to the first track on his album 7 if you don't believe me...

Monday, September 6, 2004

I've been to see The Chronicles of Riddick tonight. I think I like it, it's a strange sequel though going from a fairly low key film like Pitch Black to a full on SciFi epic. Everything is turned up to 11, which does lead to some confusing moments, especially during the fight sequences. I'm at somewhat of an advantage of having completed the excellent XBox prequel, which sets the tone for the prison sequence nicely. Interesting film, not as bad as some people say, could do with a sequel though as the ending isn't as tidy as it could have been.

Sunday, September 5, 2004

Various sections have been updated.

Went to Game Stars Live yesterday. Not a bad day out, got to play a few new games: Donkey Konga being the maddest (it has a bongo drum controller), Outrun 2 being the most enjoyable - although I think that's because of its arcade origins it's pretty much designed for short sharp bursts of play. Didn't bother queing up for Halo 2 due to the 2 hour wait, its not like I'm not going to buy the game anyway...
One of these CDs is completely necessary...

Jesu - Heartache

Two tracks each around the 20 minute mark in length of what is best described as crushingly beautiful music. The old Godflesh fan's will lap it up, the basic elements are still there (rumbling bass, the relentless drum programming, and the familiar tones of Mr Broadricks guitar), but there's something else - a certain melancholy and sadness. Miserable fuckers like me will love it.

2XH vs HHR: Where is my robotic boot?

First things first, don't order this from play.com - they've been fucking me around for well over a month with this. Anyway this compilation has one disc of intelligent metal label hydrahead records artists, and one disc from there more experimental ambient noise sister lable 2XH. The Hydrahead disc is really like too much hard work, the disc seems to be mainly filled with almost jazz like noodling done with death metal-esque guitars, kind of gives me a headache . The 2XH disc is much better, couple of more leftfield Kid606 songs, some serious drone work from Final, and my first introduction to Japanese noise artist Merzbow (he's always in The Wire) who kind of has tunes if you listen hard enough. Anyway, not a bad compilation if you ignore disc 2.

Slam - Year Zero

Yep you're right Walshie, this is very good. Very old school too, lots of analogue instruments and tracks that remind me equally of Afrika Bamabaataa, Soft Cell and (mainly because I've listened to them a fair amount recently) Throbbing Gristle - when they weren't being noisy.

Thursday, September 2, 2004

This post is mainly aimed at annoying Walshie...

I've been to see Sonic Youth tonight, fuck me they were good. They started off with my favourite tune from the new album Sonic Nurse, I love you Golden Blue each Sonic taking there time to come on one by one finishing with Kim Gordon (the sexiest women to ever hold a bass guitar - fact!) sweeping on in a pair of golden high heels. The third song they played was the full version of The Diamond Sea (all 20 minutes of it!), which halfway through had Thurston Moore climbing on top of a PA stack and swinging his guitar by its lead in front of it - the spirit of punk rock is alive and well!

Adding Jim O'Rourke to there ranks is a stroke of genius, he can pull off some full on 'Jack Black in School of Rock'-esque poses and he occasionally takes over on bass duty to allow Kim Gordon to strut her stuff properly. There was some great banter going on between Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo, they dedicated the last song to Jordon (??!), and yes, they did play Teenage Riot!

Marvellous evening, some crap blurry pictures of it can be found here...
TOKYO DAMAGE REPORT: japan, punk, hentai, engrish, goth, robot, kogal, otaku, shibuya, harajuku, schultz, fetchi, etc. - some good stuff here.