Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Electronic music and folk music...

Watch and Repeat Play

This is a mix CD by someone called Buddy Peace and ZILLA that comes with the new Warp records DVD. It's one of those incredibly complex mix CDs that often seems to involve about half a dozen songs being played at the same time, each being chopped up beyond recognition. As an overview of Warp records catalogue it's as good as you'll get, mainly taking in there pure electronic artists with a sprinkling of some of there more eccentric performers such as Beans and Gravenhurst... A jolly good CD, and the DVD it comes with is just as good.

Gravenhurst - Flashlight Sessions

I have no idea what this is doing on Warp, it's folk music! Most of the songs just involve an acoustic guitar, melancholic vocals which if anything remind me of Simon & Garfunkel and maybe a smattering of subtle instrumentalisation - theres even a harmonica involved. Its really beautiful stuff, one for the conisseurs of sad songs.

Knifehandchop - How I Left You

Apparently this was written after a particularly bad break up. And what's the best music for expressing the emotional pain of the one you love walking away from you. Well, apparently it's old school rave. Hmm, not sure about that - but it's still a pretty good CD, it makes me almost nostalgic for the rave days.

Devendra Banhart - Nino Rojo

I should hate this bloke: he perfoms on stage whilst sitting cross legged on a cushion and while he wears a poncho, he warbles whilst he sings, and he writes silly little childlike folk songs with titles like 'Wake Up Little Spider'. He's a proper, full on hippy! But damn it he's good, his guitar playing verges on amazing at times and his songs have a a refreshingly non-cynical feel to them which I can't help but admire.

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