Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Something different to the normal "I watched/played/read product x today, it's really good/shit, I think you should buy/avoid it"-post I think.

If you only know me from this site you may not know that I've got a maths degree - I don't mention it too much, what with the games, comic books and career in IT I'm geeky enough I think!

Not wanting to sound too big headed but when I was at school doing my GCSE's, and later on at college during my painfully metal phase when I was doing my A-Levels, I found Maths to be something I was pretty good at. I ended up with two Maths A-Levels at grade A, so naturally I chose a straight Maths degree at university - the trouble is degree level Mathematics is pretty dull: mainly learning very dry fundamental theorems that don't seem to have much practical application. It wasn't until my third year when things got interesting: fractal geometry, fluid dynamics, topology and (the fashionable at the time) chaos theory - all sorts of fun filled stuff which I had great fun teasing philosophy students with. Anyway, after three years I ended up with a fairly mediocre level degree (mainly down to learning how to drink very hard), but I still find I have the odd moment when I have an interest in the subject.

So where's this going? Well I have a couple of links for you. First one is the most unfortunately named mathematical theorem ever (fnar fnar), and the second is this flash game based on an idea by a maths graduate - it's driving me insane!

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