Saturday, January 28, 2006

So the non-celebrity beats all the other celebrities to win Big Brother, Oh! The grim irony of it all! Not that I particularly care about the fragile egos of some D-list 'celebrities' (god I hate that word, it implies I should be celebrating these people's existence, rather than treating them with the contempt they deserve) being battered around a bit, I just find this sort of thing vaguely amusing...

Anyway let's talk music, the CDs are starting to drip feed back into my purchasing routine. I've got a couple off good ones, the third proper album by final (which has been a good 5 years in the making!), and a new EP from Kid606. Details of both are over here.

I've also got the new Artic Monkeys album... sort of anyway. Since they've got popular and I'm so much of a music snob I couldn't bring myself to buy it properly so I've gone for the route. It's a pretty good album, I just wish they would stick to the heads down punk-pop type songs like there first single rather than trying to be all clever with jazz chords which they do towards the middle of the album. Even so, it's a blinding first effort.

Anyway, time to leave my fortress of solitude for a trip to the shops, I want to try to make some sushi and need to find some Nori sheets, unsuprisingly they don't seem to sell this in my local Morrisons.

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