Sunday, January 8, 2006

The theme of today's post is 'achievement'...

First, let's take a moment to congratulate Leicester for getting stuck and coming back from 2-0 down, to actually win a match for a change! I think I'm still in shock.

And then what about Nuneaton! I lived there from the age of about 10 so there was a certain amount of interest in that match. I saw them play at Manor Park on a dreary Boxing Day several years ago, nice to see they've still got the same old crappy pitch will resembles a quagmire.

Some more achievements: I've gone a week without smoking, and I've finally finished reading my H.P. Lovecraft book - it hasn't been easy, taken me months to read that, he can be a pretty hard going read. A typical Lovecraft story basically goes 'The Horror! The Terror!' for about 10 pages and then finishes. You have to have a certain Goth sensibility to enjoy them, which of course I have in spades. Anyway, if you are curious about his writing I've found a site with a bunch of his stories, not as good as buying a book though...

And finally on the achievement theme I've stuck a link to my XBox Gamer Card at the bottom of the page. With the new Xbox each game has this built in list of achievements, things like 'get 100 headshots', 'beat game on easy', stuff like that - and if you have a .net passport you can have a poke around at how I'm doing with my newest console. Somewhat sadly I find this sort of thing kind of cool...

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