Monday, March 20, 2006

My laptop at home seems to have surrendered after being dropped on the floor one too many time: it powers on if you balance it at just the right angle on my sofa, but will shut down completely if placed on any strange and unusual surface, like a table or a desk... Also, the speaker socket is broken so I've been using an external soundcard for months, and the DVD writer gave up last week.

Basic upshot, I think it's time for a new laptop, nothing too fancy as I don't play modern games on it nowadays as I have many consoles for that little addiction, decided to go for a cheap and cheerful Dell. Hopefully I won't break this one...

AS I'm sure you were aware it was Paddy McGuinness day on Friday which meant drinking Guinness whilst wearing silly hats was necessary. Being a geek I've gone one step further by purchasing one of these beauties:

It's an ultrasonic Guinness head maker! You can watch the strange voodoo magic in action here, literally seconds of entertainment.

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