Friday, March 10, 2006

Well it's not even close to a redesign but I've made a couple of changes to the site which warrant a mention (basically because I doubt anyone scrolls down to the super secret menu at the bottom of the page).

First change you can probably see already, it's to do with the tiny pictures that should be appearing above the adverts. These are random pictures from my Fickr account - or should I say my flickr pro account (oooh! fancy). I'm going to use this as a repository for any pictures of my days/evenings out on the town that haven't been taken by me - the same rules apply as with my camera phone page, if you find a picture of yourself there which you really don't like let me know and I'll get rid of them straight away, hopefully they should all be fairly non-offensive - I've already banned a couple of sets from being posted there mainly because I know I'll be lynched if I do. Anyway, have a look and feel free to use flickr's fancy comments to leave lot's of rude and suggestive messages.

The second change is a link to my 'myspace' at the bottom of the page, I really don't see the point of this other than giving spammers even more ways to clog up the internet with junk mail, but it seems to be the done thing to have one - and I can annoy people by linking to streaming tunes on it.

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