Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Years Resolutions

Yes, I know - bit late in the year. Bare with me...

At the start of the year I decided my New Years Resolution would be to have a new resolution every month, that way I'll hopefully end up having a positive effect on the old Chakra over the course of 2007.

January involved eating and drinking healthily which I pretty much stuck to, and which may have worked a bit based on a few comments I've had.

February's was to give up smoking. I failed miserably at that one.

March was pretty easy, basically all I had to do was to avoid buying a PS3 - there was a bit of a wobble at the end, but I somehow managed to make it through the month without a new games console being plugged into my television. I'm still a bit tempted to get one just because it's so damn shiny! But the thing about resolutions is there should be some sort of long term effect from them even if the original resolution was only for a discrete period of time, otherwise what's the point? You're right back at square one.

I'm still not sure what this Month's resolution is, since I've done pretty much bugger all to effect myself either positively or negatively since the start of the Month I'm allowing myself a delayed start on that front.

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