Anyway, rather than sitting on this post forever I thought I'd just go for it and let you know about my reading list:
1. The Time Traveler's Wife
2. Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight
Confession time, I subscribe to The Wire and as such I do occasionally read about music which I don't really listen to or know about, but I like to spread my horizons and Simon Reynolds is a half decent music journalist. Plus the companion CD you can get is pretty good.
5. The Sirens of Titan
So, Kurt Vonnegut. Never read anything by him, but the way that half of the internet carried on after he died I've been guilt tripped into picking up one of his books, it seems to involve an explorer, his dog and them both becoming probability waves and being able to view the past, present and future at the same time.Honestly don't know why I bother... It has a very amusing hypnosis CD to listen to, but I got turned off by his slightly annoying "if you can give up for a day, I don't understand why you can't give up for a week"-attitude. That sort of advice really doesn't help.
3. House of LeavesVery odd book, written like an annotated scrapbook. Also very long, and I haven't been able to set enough time aside to get stuck into it.
4. Rip it up and start again: postpunk 1978-19845. The Sirens of Titan
6. Grimm: Complete Fairy Tales
I'm also reading a bunch of comic book collections, but they can wait for another post...
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