Sunday, April 22, 2007

Public Service Announcement for Metalheads

If you are not interested in doom/drone metal look away now.

This is why there are a bunch of SunnO))) tracks in my recently listened to tracks at the moment.

Aren't they beautiful? Japanese SunnO))) import CDs; White1, White2 and Black One each released with extra discs that were originally released as tour only discs. 7 discs of quality, quality drone metal. I got them via Inoxia Records (click on the English mail order list, and then the Daymare Recordings link), they handle Japanese versions of Hydrahead and Southern Lord releases and seem pretty reliable to me.

I'm going to get the Khanate CDs next. And speaking of Khanate, there very hard to find It's Cold When Birds Fall From The Sky CD is going to get re-released via aRCHIVE recordings soon, I live in hope that Earth's LiveHex will get a similar treatment.

Something else to keep an eye out for is what seems to be a new SunnO))) CD called Oracle:

Apparently a pneumatic drill may be involved in the recording of this one...

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