Friday, June 6, 2003

Crap... just when I though I'd cured my Star Wars Lego addiction, an advert for this turns up in my inbox.

OK, I'm declaring today to be Metal Day because of the two CD's that turned up in my post this morning, and because I'm wearing fair amount of black clothing - no sweat band though...

So what CD's have I got? Well first off let's have a traditional two-finger devil-sign salute for the new Metallica album, I haven't listened to it all yet, but from what I've heard so far it's back to basics metal, all chugging guitars and double bass drums - seems pretty good to me. The second one up is the new album by Evanesence, now before rushing to the comments section to scream abuse at my Nu-metal taste in music, can I just say: I liked the single, and they have a cute goth chick on vocals... So fuck you!

By the way, I was doing a search for cute goth chicks for the last bit, and found this - it is fucking priceless!

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