Tuesday, June 10, 2003


Sorry, had to get that out of my system. OK, comments upgraded to pro-version... Did that fix the javascript problem? Did it bollocks! So, I'm now using the cheeky little anti-javascript workaround. This means two things: first up all you'll see now is a link which says comments...?, rather than something useful: like if anybody has actually made any comments, and secondly it will open up in a weird sized window - this is because I can't be bothered to work out the javascript to open it the original size, I've just used a target="_new" property in the link. I'd like to say this is temporary, but who knows...

Anyway, some updates: the CD section gets's updated pretty frequently at the moment - I appear to have an addiction to CD's that is only marginally cheaper than crack cocaine. I'm going to have to redo the banner code soon since the dodgy javascript will only cope with 36 entries - oh and thanks to CrOaKeR for explaining the lemon one to me, I honestly did that without realising there was a reason for it, I think my sub-concious mind decided to take up the driving seat when I was doing that one - which is slightly worrying, next stop schizophrenia! Oh, and I'm amazed there haven't been any lewd comments about bunnies.

Finally someone else I know has decided to delve into the world of blogging, and he will so appreciate me putting this link up... (stage directions: wrap dark sinister cloak round self, walk backwards out of room chuckling in an evil fashion, try to avoid tripping up...)

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