Friday, October 24, 2003

As you may have gathered I went to see Mogwai play last night, now before I get to that could I just say one thing about the Astoria... £3.10 for a can of Carling! You're 'aving a laaaarf!!

Anyway, back to the show: I arrived late so only caught the last song of the support band, they didn't seem too bad - very mogwai-ish, but maybe lacking the subtlety. Mogwai themselves were obviously in one of there quiet-loud-quiet moods, with only a couple of full-on, heads-down, white-noise moments. In fact many of the songs started so quietly while half the crowd were cheering the other half were going "Shh!", although having said that my ears are ringing like mad at the moment.

I don't think it was as good as there Glastonbury appearence, my favourite song, Hunted by a Freak, came too early, and where was my favourite 20 minute instrumental Jewish Prayer? Still disappointments aside, a good show, if you want to see some pictures they are over here.

One weird thing, the bloke in front of me kept fainting. I thought that sort of thing only happened at Robbie Williams concerts.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been buying weird hip-hop again.

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