Saturday, October 4, 2003

I seem to be getting CD's on a daily basis at the moment, three new ones today from Matmos, Jah Wobble and Kid Koala - and I've somehow found time amongst today's zany exploits to post some thoughts on them (they are all pretty good by the way).

No drunken pictures this week I'm afraid due to me being sensible with my cold and not drinking, but if you so wish you can gaze in awe at my new l33t top, witness my victorious erm... victory in Advance Wars 2 on the GBA (incidently, I'm starting to slightly fall in love with Nell who does the tutorials... it's her sexy Stewardess outfit and all her talk about tanks that does it for me!), and see me drink Orange Juice - Heavy Metal or what!

Back to today's zany exploits: buying a new matress. No, don't go! It get's better, honest!

So, basically my old futon matress was getting to the stage where it was only marginally more comfortable than sleeping on the floor - I couldn't be arsed with ordering one, and having to wait around and organise time off work to handle the delivery. So off I went to Croydon's Ikea to pick up a nice new shiny one without all the wainting around...

Upon arrival there I had a minor revelation: Ikea is basically hell on Earth. For one thing, I swear I was the only single person there! The whole place was full of content (translation: fucking annoying) 20-something couples, generally with child (in or out of the womb, that seems to be optional), who all appear to be unable to walk for more than 3 seconds without stopping and going ooh!, and obviously judging the almost 30-year old, painfully single me for not being in a couple! OK, maybe that's just me being paranoid, or maybe it was the infernal machination of the damned torturing my immortal soul!

Then there is the whole having to walk constantly round in circles, sod Dante's Inferno , if you want a proper description of the geography of Hell go to Ikea

And when you do finally find the warehouse bit, where the hell are the trolley's? Queue me wandering up and down aisles folornly looking for a trolley, until I finally turned around to the entrance I came in to see the worlds biggest arrow next to the worlds biggest version of the word 'Trolley' pointing towards the evil little fuckers. Clearly the arrow was a cunning way of mocking me by saying "theyr'e over here fuckwit".

And then there are the queues... my god they are long. And all populated by screaming kids, there may have also been some parents but I didn't notice them due to the constant screeching of hell spawn.

Anyway, I escaped - and I now get to sleep on something approaching soft, so it's not all eternal damnation... which is nice.

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