Wednesday, October 1, 2003

...still ill. And intending to milk it for the forseable future.

CD's seem to be arriving on a daily basis, and I'm struggling to come up with any meaningful comments about them, or to keep my schedule up to date.

I finally got round to buying the Dizzee Rascal CD, in case your memory is failing (my advice is lay off the Special Brew - ho ho) this won the Mercury Music Prize - 8 tracks in and I'm of the opinion of "Well done Dizzee, and well done Mercury Judgey People for being brave enough to vote for it". This isn't a pretty CD, it's dirty, gritty, full of serious baaaaaaaasSSSS! , like The Streets album it is in no way garage, but I have to say I'm very impressed with it. Proper opinions will follow once I've given it (and the other 5 new CD's in my possession) some more time.

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