Saturday, October 18, 2003

OK, I'm back from Coventry in one piece - just! Some twat hit my car on the way back, not much damage, but it's still annoying since I've kept my motor in a reasonable state. What got me the most was the comment idiot boy gave me: "Oh, sorry I couldn't work out why you were braking". Now call me old fashioned, but when you are approaching a traffic island and have to give way to traffic from the right it's is traditional to FUCKING BRAKE!! Cunt...

Anyway now that I've got that off my chest back to the site. I've had a go at updating pretty much everything on the site; I could do with some interesting questions for the info section, but my inspiration has deserted me. The game and CD schedules are up to date, the game one is a fucking nightmare - up until Christmas I'm on about a two game a week habit (I swear this videogame hobby of mine is worse than having a crack addiction); the CD one is better, looking forward to the Kid606 album in a few weeks.

I've currently got a bunch of Anticon CDs to listen to, but I've found time to update the CD review page to let you know all about the new Afghan Whigs Twilight Singers CD.

If you are after pictures there are a couple of new sets: one from last night and a work colleague's leaving drinks, the other is of David Blaine. I though I'd make an effort to see him, so I dragged Johnboy along with the intention of spending the afternoon hurling abuse at Box Boy - didn't work out in the end, too many people around. Anyway, we came, we saw, we watched him stand up, we watched him change his top and we watched him sit down... woo bleeding hoo...

So, that's all I can be arsed to type. I'll leave you with some links:

Here's the venue where I'll be seeing a band called Sophia play in November, I think I can safely say it's the poshest one I've ever seen - check out the chandeliers! bling blingm motherfucker!

Here's a scary article about one of the American General's in Iraq, obviously not all religious fanatics are Islamic.

Here's some info on a new drug which could mean I could ditch sleeping... Well, I found it interesting.

And finally, some comedy.

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