Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Saddam Hussein the fashion icon? or Saddam Hussein the crappy Star Wars character?

I feel the need to comment on the whole Saddam Hussein's shebang, since I did make a bit of a stance at the beginning of the Iraq "War" with the protest song of the day feature, but apathy has been winning. However I think I've got over it now, and I'm in the mood to don my Devil's Advocate outfit and write a few words which may annoy some people...

So, Saddam Hussein... Yes I know he's an evil fuck and the world would have been a better place if he'd been drowned at birth, but the thing is, I'm pretty sure no-one has invented a pre-cognition machine yet, and anyone who claims to have advance knowledge of future events is lying - so the whole drowning him at birth was never an option.

He's now going to get a trial and obviously be executed, but let's be honest will the world be a better place? What's going to be left after he's gone? The country, which could quite possibly be the cradle of civilisation, being carved up and sold to the highest bidder - as long as they are American; probably a few more terrorists - I give it a week after he get's executed before someone claiming to be one of "Saddams' Martyrs" blows himself up along with many other innocent people; and you can pretty much guarantee that Bush Boy is going to walk the 2004 presidential elections. I just can't see the world being a better place after he's gone (I'm talking about Saddam, not Bush here).

"But what would you do about him?", I hear the world cry. Well my fantasy solution would involve a bucket of water, a ticket to Iraq and a time machine; realistically? fuck knows! I'm a very bored and apathetic computer programmer, I'm no politician/statesman/warmonger, it's up to them to come up with a solution.

And that concludes today's rant, on a completely unrelated note it has come to my attention that Little Gamers are going to start selling these after Christmas, which is handy - I need somewhere to keep my pr0n ^^

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