Monday, February 2, 2004

Every so often I get a craving for commercial pop music, well I say craving - but that's not right, what I mean is every so often a pop tune or act comes along that manages to infiltrate my carefully constructed defense of avant-hip hop electro-noodling bollocks. T.a.t.u. managed it with there album, Beyonce shook her oh so bootylicious...erm, booty and made me go weak at the knees with Crazy in Love, hell even Justin Timberlake has got through with what is in my opinion one of the best break up tunes ever (Cry me a River in case you are wondering).

Anyway, I've got a new one for the list - brace yourself...

I think the new Britney Spears single is fucking great!!!

There I've said it - I feel better now. Yes, I'm well aware that the video has young Britney half naked, but let's be honest she's pretty much always half naked, so no suprise there. No, it's the song that does it for me: cool strings, not too many of the weird nasal noises she normally makes - in fact she pretty much sings it straight, I'll even forgive the vocoder effect, and the beat is ace - screaming out for a really hardcore ragga remix.

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