Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Proper album time...

Sophia - People Are Like Seasons

Christ! It's been almost two weeks since my last CD - although I've been downloading some interesting stuff recently, like a certain grey album, which is a teensy weeny bit illegal - but very good. Anyway it's nice to come back to something a bit special.

Now if you don't know about Sophia I suggest you point your browser to the excellent www.sophiamusic.net for some background information, I won't repeat the band's history here, but suffice to say this is one band whose emotional depth has been well and truly earned.

But what about the music? Well, this isn't one of my difficult albums - I can't think of a reason why anyone couldn't enjoy this, unless they're completely tone-deaf... or just deaf I guess. As pointed out elsewhere, the first track 'Oh My Love' could (and damn well should!) cause some serious commercial damage, given a suitably forward thinking radio station - well, 'Mad World' was the Christmas number one in the UK so you never know. 'Fool' is subtley threatening, 'If a change is gonna come...' stomps alongs with the best of them, 'Darkness (another shade in your black)' kind of goes all industrial in a post-shoe gazing Curve way, and 'Desert Song No.2' well... I really wish I could do justice to this song, but I'm not a proper writer, I'm just a slightly maudlin, videogame-playing, over-drinking ex-smoker who is egotistical enough to run a website named after himself... I can just bow down in awe! Especially the last 90 seconds which I can but describe as 'glorious'.

Anyway as I said on the front page: Buy it!

Buy it, buy it, buy it!

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