Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Kid606 and Chums, again...

Paws Across The World 2003

Can't quite work out the track listing here: 2 Kid606 tracks, 2 DJ /Rupture tracks, 3 Dwayne Sodahberk tracks, then there are 15 bonus tracks... eh? Anyway, the Kid606 ones are OK if a bit on the throw away side, DJ /Rupture does the strangest version of the theme from Cheers you'll ever here and Dwayne Sodahberk does some quite nice tunes - one involving a Teddybear. The cool stuff is in the bonus tracks: Soundmurderer does an excellent old skool mashup, Donna Summer (no not that one) does a weird disco metal thing, and this bloke called Puzzleweazel does the most hyperactive Aphex Twin impression you'll ever here. All in all, good...

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