Saturday, May 29, 2004

...Dude! Calm down!

Calm down on the drinking that is, I've been wandering around today looking like a fucking heroin addict because of some nasty bruises and cuts on the inside of my right arm - I got these from apparently diving over the fence in front of my house last night, like some sort of drunken super man. It's starting to bother me a bit, it's only a matter of time before I do something worse, hence the desire to calm down a bit... Hmm, we shall see.

So, those 4 pictures at the top of the post - what are they all about eh? Well, they are 4 new CDs I acquired on a shopping trip to London today.

First on the left Beehives by Broken Social Scene, it's a b-sides and outtakes compilation which obviously doesn't bode well, but it doesn't look like they are going to release anything before 2005 so it will have to do.

The Second CD is from a band called Sunburned Hand of The Man, they've released over a dozen albums, but pretty much all on CDRs (apparently one of which was packaged in a case involving a piece of wood and some perspex) - this is the first album to be released through a 'proper' label, that is a label which may end up actually distributing the CD in shops. It's fucking weird, sort of a psychedelic improvisational rock folk thing.

The third one is from Stone Sour, the lead singer of Slipknot's other band. After hearing the frankly extrordinary new album from the knot I was curious about this CD - frankly I'm not convinced yet...

Finally, a cheerful little number from Swans consisting of two albums Children of God and World Of Skin, basically it seems to be old testament style fire and brimstone from Michael Gira with nice melodic work from his partner in crime Jarboe.

It's not just been CD shopping today, I've acquired a new jacket which I'm not sure when I'm brave enough to wear, it's a suit jacket with a print refering to taking hallucinogenic drugs on the back...

I also made a bit of a pigramage to the Saatchi Gallery to pay me respects to the art work thats was lost in last weeks warehouse fire. Personal favourites were Damien Hirst's The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living which is really impressive when seen in real life; Tracey Emin's My Bed which struck me as being a moving and poignant snapshot of her life at time it was created - there was also a really funny self portrait she did where she's photographed stuffing money up her (and I'm quoting from the card next to the picture here) wazoo. I also liked the sculpture's by Duane Hanson, a collection of hyperrealistic mannequins dotted around the gallery - they seemed more real than many of the people actually wandering around the gallery. Anyway, all good stuff - I just think it's a damn shame so many related pieces of artwork have been lost...

Speaking of works of art, here's some pictures I took from last night - some of them are sort of arty

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