Sunday, May 23, 2004

Once again my weekend has been dominated by beer; Friday evening was spent drinking muchos Stella, meeting a slightly mad (but in a good way) Irish girl, and possibly saying something inappropriate to a lesbian... :-P. Most of Saturday was spent in the pub drinking too much Stella, which didn't end too well - At least the dangerously hungover mood I've been in today has given me the opportunity to spend some quality time listening to the new Pan Sonic album. It's something that demands patience - 4 CDs of fairly uncompromising electronica, and the last CD is one 60 minute long ambient track... bloody hard work! The other CD is a free one from my subscription to The Wire, it's got a really good track from this New York cellist called Arthur Russell who used to make kind of sad ambient-y disco-y music - I've been meaning to start listening to his stuff for quite some time.

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